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What is the Linux Operating System? A brief introduction

what is Linux operating system
What is the Linux operating system? A Brief Introduction



The Linux Operating System is a type of operating system that is similar to Unix, built upon the Linux Kernel. The Linux Kernel acts as the brain of the operating system, managing how the computer interacts with its hardware and resources. The Linux Kernel ensures that everything functions smoothly and efficiently. But, the Kernel alone is not sufficient to form a complete operating system. To create a fully operational system, the Linux Kernel is combined with a variety of software packages and utilities, which are together called Linux distributions. These distributions prepare the Linux Operating System for users, which allows them to run applications and perform tasks on their computers securely and efficiently.

History of  Linux

The free and open-source Linux operating system kernel was designed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Torvalds set it out to develop a free and flexible system for personal computers, drawing ideas from the UNIX operating system and the MINIX operating system. Teamwork in development was encouraged with the release of the Linux kernel, which attracted developers and enthusiasts globally. As various open-source software packages were integrated with the Linux kernel, fully functional operating systems, commonly known as Linux distributions, were formed. Over the years, Linux has become known as an important element of modern computing, powering everything from servers and personal computers to supercomputers and smartphones. Linux has become the first choice of developers, businesses, and educational institutions frequently due to its flexibility, durability, and strong community support.


What does a “distribution" mean?

Linux distribution is an operating system that is, along with a collection of software built on the Linux kernel or you can say distribution contains the Linux kernel and supporting libraries and software. You can get a Linux-based operating system just by downloading one of the Linux distributions. These distributions are available for different types of devices like embedded devices, and personal computers.


Why Choose Linux?

Linux is widely used due to its free, and highly flexible interface. It is an ideal choice for servers and developers due to its strong security, stability, and performance. Linux offers various advantages, including interoperable hardware, a broad software library, and a vibrant community that provides support and regular updates. Its adaptability allows users to customize the operating system according to their own needs, whether for personal use or large enterprises.


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components of Linux

components of linux operating system

1. Kernel

The kernel is the core of the Linux-based operating system. It manages the system's hardware resources and virtualizes them by giving each process its own virtual resources. It makes the process seem as if it is the sole process running on the machine. The kernel is also responsible for preventing conflicts between different processes. Different types of the kernel are:

  • Monolithic Kernel
  • Hybrid kernels
  • Exo kernels
  • Microkernels


2. System Library

Linux uses system libraries, or shared libraries to provide the various operating system functions. The libraries have pre-coded code that applications may use to undertake typical functions. The use of these libraries by programmers, saves time and effort as they don't have to write the same code over and over again. System libraries also serve as an interface between an application and the kernel, offering a standardized, efficient, and portable means for an application to communicate with the system.


3. Use of Shell


The shell serves as the interface of the user with the Linux Operating System. It provides an interface through which the user gives commands, and the shell then processes them to execute. The shell serves as an interface between the user and the kernel by passing the command to the kernel to process it. It provides the ease for users to run programs, and files, and set up the system.


4. Hardware Layer


Hardware Layer includes all the physical hardware of the computer, including the CPU, RAM, hard disk drives, and input/output devices. The layer directly communicates with the Linux operating system to make the resources available to the system and programs that are necessary to run efficiently. The Linux Kernel and system libraries enable interaction and management over these hardware devices, so ensuring that they interact effectively with each other.


5. System Utilities

System utilities are essential programs and applications provided by the Linux Operating System that assist in managing and setting up different functions of the system. System utilities carry out functions like installing packages, setting up network configurations, monitoring system performance, handling users and permissions, and many more. System utilities make system administration tasks easier, which makes it convenient for users to manage their Linux systems effectively.


How People Used the Linux Operating System?


The Linux operating system is popular across various fields of industries because of its openness, security, and flexibility:

  • Servers and Hosting: powers web servers, cloud infrastructures, and database management systems.
  • Development: Used by most developers to write code, debug, and run applications.
  • Desktop and Personal Use: Offers secure, highly customizable personal desktop environments.
  • Cybersecurity: A sensitive tool for security research, ethical hacking, and penetration testing.
  • Embedded Systems: Drive lightweight machines such as routers, IoT, and smart devices.
  • Supercomputers: Control high-performance computing, enabling scientific study and heavy simulations.
  • Education: An affordable platform for teaching programming, system administration, and open-source theory.


Choosing the Right Distribution for you?


Selecting the best Linux distribution is based on your requirements and experience level:


For Beginners


Ubuntu is a good option because of its easy-to-use interface and large community support. Linux Mint, on the other hand, makes it easy for new users to move to Linux by providing a Windows-like environment right out of the box.


For Advanced Users


For developers, the option of an even more minimal base for building a system from scratch exists with Arch Linux, while Gentoo offers complete control over the system but requires extensive setup and learning.


For End Users


Fedora is used by developers because of their emphasis on new technologies and applications. Debian is also a good choice for development and production systems, known well for its stability and large package index.


For Servers


CentOS is a community-based feature-rich distribution for servers that is equivalent to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Ubuntu Server is also another great option, well-liked for its ease of use and huge community following.


For Lightweight Systems


Ubuntu is usually preferred by users which offers a lightweight and efficient environment on older systems. Puppy Linux is another option that is light in weight too and is intended to be used on older hardware.


Installation of Linux


The installation of Linux starts with selecting a distribution based on your needs, for example, Ubuntu, Fedora, or Linux Mint.

To start with, get the ISO file from the official website of the distribution. Next, make a bootable USB drive with the help of a utility like Etcher on macOS and Linux, or Rufus on Windows. After putting in the USB drive and booting your machine, enter BIOS or UEFI settings to set the USB drive as the primary boot device. The installation of Linux will become apparent when booting from the USB drive.

On starting from the USB hard drive, the Linux installation will appear. Proceed with instructions on the screen to partition the drive, set your time zone, set up user accounts, and configure system settings. Upon completion of installation, remove the USB drive and restart your system.


Installation of Software on Linux

Installing software is simple on Linux. For Debian-based distributions (e.g., Ubuntu), use package managers like apt and sudo apt install package_ name; for Fedora, use dnf and sudo dnf install package_ name. Software centers are another repository for a graphical application installation and search interface.

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